How to make an access point using tools create AP

Galuh Muhammad Iman Akbar
2 min readJun 24, 2021

In computer networking, a wireless access point (WAP), or more generally just access point (AP), is a networking hardware device that allows other Wi-Fi devices to connect to a wired network. (wikipedia)

Access points can also be created using a wireless USB adapter, here are the steps:

Tools can be downloaded here.

Run the command below to create an access point without a password

./create_ap wlp3s0 wlxec086b1b9943 <SSID>

Run the command below to create an access point with a password

./create_ap wlp3s0 wlxec086b1b9943 <SSID> <passphrase>

If we get an internet connection from USB tethering, we can also share wifi to others in the following way.

Run the command below to create an access point without a password

./create_ap wlp3s0 usb0 <SSID>

Run the command below to create an access point with a password

./create_ap wlp3s0 usb0 <SSID> <passphrase>
./create_ap <first-interface> <second-interface> <SSID> <passphrase>

First-interface= is the interface that will create the access point.
Second-interface= is the interface that gets an internet connection.



Galuh Muhammad Iman Akbar

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